docs Usage Utils


Altron exports some utility functions that come in handy when trying to extract, update, or get information about the component state. Here is a description of each one:

  • getAllBlocks: This function returns all blocks in editor store.
  • getBlock: This function returns the data for specific block.
  • setData: This function allows you to update the data-blocks directly.
  • getEditorId: This function returns the editor id.
  • getWorkingBlock: This function allows you to get the working block id and its state. It can return null if none of the blocks are focused or edited (view state).

Functions type

Function Type
getAllBlocks ()=> dataBlock[]
getBlock (id:string)=> dataBlock
setData (newData: dataBlock[] | ((prev: dataBlock[]) => dataBlock[]))=> void
getWorkingBlock ()=>{state: "focused" | "editing"; id: string; }
getEditorId ()=>string

Way to call

These functions are exported from the Altron component, which means in order to use them, you have to bind a variable to the component reference.

<script lang="ts">
import Altron from '@altron/altron/altron.svelte';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
let editor: Altron = null;

onMount(() => {
    const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
        const data = editor.getAllBlocks()
        const workingBlock = editor.getWorkingBlock()
        console.log(data, workingBlock)
    }, 2000)


     <Altron bind:this={editor} />